Each biome has its own characteristics that dictate processes, meaning, and interaction.
Within these parameters, individual creatures or features exist with their own ways of navigating the rules of that biome. Many creatures and features are specific to a single biome. Some features exist in multiple biomes, or may travel from one to another.
Biomes coexist and can be explored exclusively, simultaneously, or sequentially.
Exploration happens in preparation for and during performance.
Further thoughts on how to use the BIOMES materials:
Scroll / stroll through.
Find images, ideas, sounds, fragments, connections that resonate with you.
Ask the materials to suggest focal points, moments of alignment, aspects of fragmentation.
Zoom in on the microscopic or zoom out to the atmospheric.
Use any media or materials you can in your performance.
Discuss with your fellow performers.
Develop a strategy (form) together that takes a specific perspective.
Make a working folder / score / document with only what you want to work with for a given performance.
Use amplification.
Steal camera and editing techniques from documentary films:
Arial shot, Close up, Cross fade, Float through, Jump cut, Slide shows, Slow motion, Time lapse, Zoom In, Zoom Out
Each performance of BIOMES should be sequentially numbered: BIOMES 1.0, BIOMES 2.0, BIOMES 3.0...
If the same folks (more or less) take a second crack at it, change the decimal: BIOMES 1.0, BIOMES 1.1, BIOMES 1.2…
BIOMES was initiated as a commission from WasteLAnd for Rage Thormbones. Thank you to all of these individuals and collectives for their support and commitment!
Love, Katie (September 1, 2018)
BIOMES 1.0 - 10/5/18 with RAGE Thormbones, produced by WasteLAnd at ArtShareLA
BIOMES 2.0 - 1/31/19 with Yarn/Wire and Weston Olencki at the Stone, NYC