boundarymind, Movement 3 - music by Linda Jankowska and Katherine Young; video by Kera MacKenzie. Released 10/23 on Carrier Records
Jessica Pavone’s Clamor for string ensemble and improvising soloist ft. Katherine Young (bassoon). Released 10/23 on Out of Your Head Records
Film by SONNENZIMMER (Nadine Nakanishi & Nick Butcher) for the s/t album by Beautifulish (Katherine Young & Sam Scranton), out now on Shinkoyo / Artist Pool.
Mycorrhiza III (With alejandro): Quiet Places
for contrabass clarinet and electronics
composition: Katherine Young
performances and field recordings: alejandro t. acierto
video direction and edit: alejandro t. acierto / audio postproduction: Katherine Young / audio mix and master: Murat Çolak / video footage: Emilio Rojas
commissioned by Intersection
Listen to the premiere performance of Katherine Young's Mycorrhiza III (With alejandro): Quiet Places, a new commission in Intersection's LISTEN project, a multi-year initiative celebrating the voices of female-identifying, non-binary or gender non-conforming composers. Learn more at:
Mycorrhiza I (with Olivia): Stolen Moments for violin and electronics, performed by Olivia De Prato. Released by New World Records.
Preview of "boundarymind," by Linda Jankowska and Katherine Young.
Performance and installation @ 6018|North in Chicago, June 3-5, 2022.
Partners include Experimental Sound Studio, 6018|North, Roman Susan, PO Box Collective.
Film by Mikel Patrick Avery for the s/t album Beautifulish (Katherine Young & Sam Scranton), out now on Shinkoyo / Artist Pool.
Camilles (2019) - World Premiere Live @ Bludenzer Tage Zeitgemässer Musik by Ensemble Nikel (Brian Archinal - Drums, Yaron Deutsch - E-Guitar, Antoine Françoise - Piano, Patrick Stadler - Saxophone /
bow, breath, crow (2016). composed by Katherine Young. performed by The Formalist Quartet (Andrew Tholl, violin Andrew McIntosh, viola Ashley Walters, cello Mark Menzies, amplified chewing gum) wasteLAnd concert series. May 4, 2019, ArtShare-LA. video by Zach Bell
Requiem: A White Wanderer is a musical performance developed in collaboration with Luftwerk investigating the rapid disintegration of the Antarctic ice shelf. Produced on partnership with the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
and Experimental Sound Studio
Composition by KATHERINE YOUNG; Musicians MYRA HINRICHS (violin); MIN PARK (violin); ALEXANDER ELLSWORTH (cello); LIA KOHL (cello) ; ANTON HATWICH (bass); JENNA LYLE (vocals); RYAN PACKARD (percussion).
Performance and installation footage from BIOMES 4.0 at Pioneer Works.
“For Eliane” for solo bassoon and electronics; p resented by Elastic Arts, curated by Erica Miller
Beautifulish is the duo project of composer/bassoonist Katherine Young & percussionist/composer Sam Scranton.
Their self-titled debut album is just out (released today!) on the Shinkoyo label:
like a halo, for prepared violin, soprano, alto sax, horn, harp & piano with amplification, by Katherine Young (2014-2015) performed by Wet Ink
video edited by Atticus Hebson uploaded with permission from Katherine Young, Wet Ink, and Carrier Records
Performed at New Music New College — January 26, 2019. Mildred Sainer Pavilion, New College of Florida — by
Ensemble Dal Niente
When stranger things happen (2017). Performed by Ensemble Dal Niente at the Edge Theater, October 2017
Architeuthis Walks on Land: Amy Cimini, viola+ / Katherine Young, bassoon+ at Space Time, San Diego
Biomes 1.0 (world premiere performance) October 5, 2018, ArtShare-LA. Conception: Katherine Young. Realization: Katherine Young & RAGE THORMBONES [Matt Barbier and Weston Olencki] bassoon, trombones, electronics, lights. Commissioned for RAGE THORMBONES by wasteLAnd. Video by Kyle Johnson
Master of Disguises composed by Katherine Young. performed by wasteLAnd Stephanie Aston - soprano, cassette player; Leslie Leytham - mezzo-soprano, cassette player; Brian Walsh - bass clarinet; Marta Tiesenga - tenor saxophone; Nicholas Deyoe - conductor. performed live on February 16, 2016 ArtShare-LA. video by Zach Bell
Matt Barbier (trombone and electronics) performs Katherine Young's puddles and crumbs for trombone and electronics. Recorded live on october 7th, 2016 at ArtShare LA.
puddles and crumbs for trombone + electronics composed by Katherine Young performed by Weston Olencki February 2016 at Galvin Recital Hall, Northwestern University
Part of Third Coast Percussion's Emerging Composers Partnership. Live Premiere Video May 28, 2017 Constellation - Chicago
Releasing Bound Water from Green Materials (2010)
part i. Binding-Releasing I / part ii. Capacity / part iii. Binding-Releasing II Composed by Katherine Young. Projections by Mike Kenney. Performed by Dustin Donahue, Sean Dowgray, and Ryan Nestor, percussion on December 14, 2018, at ArtShare-LA produced by wasteLAnd concert series. video by wasteLAnd and Zach Bell.
for violin with projected video score
performed by Austin Wulliman / released by Parlour Tapes+